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天达(经度:INVP)是一个国际专业银行集团和资产管理,提供了各种各样的金融产品和服务的利基客户主要市场:英国、南非、澳大利亚,以及某些其他地区。2019年11月1日,天达-爱尔兰财富管理业务收购Management.41M Brewin Dolphin财富。








早晨简报:Rathbones数据合并和Investec Aegon销售保护书


20238:40 4月4日是周二早上好,欢迎来到你的早晨简报4 4月,2023年。这个在你的收件箱每天早上请点击这里。Rathbones数据合并与天达财富Rathbones数据组和天达财富和投资合并创建英国的“领导”可自由支配的财富管理。英国结盟汇集了两大财富管理业务与“文化和运营模式紧密结合”和“共同承诺侧重于以客户为中心的价值观和可持续增长”。组合的条款意味着Investec的股权价值约£839 m w i英国。Aegon卖书保护伦敦皇家已与英国Aegon达成协议,收购其个人保护业务有待法院批准。由于收购、人寿保险、重要疾病和收入保护政策为超过400000的客户将转移到皇家伦敦。露丝Handcock一直是一个企业家。“创业精神是一个线程(通过我的职业生涯中),比其他任何,但体现在很多方面,“章鱼投资的前首席执行官告诉我,当我们坐在公司的总部在这里。办公室是现代的,墙壁和家具巧妙地装饰着触角的艺术品。 Octopus Investments former CEO Ruth Handcock on living outside one’s comfort zone, offering products that make a real difference to customers’ lives — and helping to change the world. Quote Of The Day Even well-meaning financial advisers might not always have the experience and specialist knowledge to devise a financial plan that is optimal for someone in this situation. – Adam Osper, managing partner at Evelyn Partners, comments on the fate of former Premier League footballer Craig Bellamy – who recently revealed how the fortune he earned as player had disappeared, thanks in large part to some unfortunate investment decisions Stat Attack UK retail investors bought the dip in banking shares whilst ditching airlines and autos in Q1, according to the latest quarterly stocks data from social trading and investing platform eToro. Biggest risers among eToro’s UK-based users Biggest fallers among eToro’s UK-based users Rank In Other News Guardian has announced that its new Income Protection cover is now live on IRESS, iPipeline and LifeQuote. Advisers using these sourcing platforms now have access to a full menu of Guardian products including Income Protection, Life Protection, Critical Illness Protection, Combined Life and Critical Illness Protection and Optional Children’s Critical Illness Protection, and can quote and apply on Guardian’s Protection Builder 2.0 system. Last week, the protection challenger announced that it was launching its Income Protection product for clients. It said the product was created in collaboration with advisers taking on board their concerns about income protection product. Advisers have welcomed the ‘own job’ definition, as opposed to the more traditional ‘own occupation’; a feature which has been designed to provide more certainty at claim. WBR Group has announced the acquisition of Wimbledon based Bespoke Corporate Pensions Limited (BCPL) for an undisclosed sum. BCPL was founded by Eddie Kingsley 28 years ago and has over 100 SSAS and group defined benefits schemes and £200m in assets under administration. It is a boutique SSAS administrator that is a service led business with very loyal clients that have grown over time. It provides high end SSAS services and is an ideal fit for WBR Group, following closely on the acquisition of Rowanmoor’s book of 3,500 SSASs. From Elsewhere Calls for energy ‘social tariff’ as UK government support ends ( The Guardian ) Oil prices rise after major producers vow to cut production ( Sky News ) Did You See? When Vanguard announced it was bringing down the shutters on its UK advice service, the news sent shock waves through the financial advice community. Many were surprised because Vanguard had successfully implemented a similar mass-market proposition in the US and carved a name for itself as champion of low-cost advice. The investment giant had hoped to replicate the success in the UK but it failed. In a statement on 1 March it explained the reasons for the closure.


  • Investec是何时成立的?


  • Investec的最新一轮融资是什么?


  • Investec的投资者是谁?

    Investec的投资者包括Brewin Dolphin。




