













2022年11月7日下午6:04 PHT安东尼奥·j·Montalvan II Bantag是完美无瑕的海报男孩有罪不罚的杰拉尔德Bantag受损的个性,只需要看他的同情采访的公开党派安东尼Taberna。Taberna Bantag问道,“谁将受益于杀死珀西Lapid ?”“Ang unang makikinabang diyan ay”杨热情akong masibak diyan(将受益的人最是那些要我下台)。“如果我们走了,他奇怪的逻辑,珀西Lapid这样他被暗杀,Bantag,将被逐出BuCor总经理的职务。换句话说,Lapid只是一个牺牲品。利用同情Bantag,“Ibalik si Bantag sa BuCor”(返回Bantag修正)被Taberna评论经常重复的观众。在实际的现实,然而,囚犯的谄媚的总经理。Bilibid帮派谁服从杀死订单这样做来换取他们的自由。Bantag是完美无瑕的海报男孩有罪不罚的。当他在监狱管理局的一位官员和刑罚学(BJMP) 2014年,Bantag拒绝支付他比尔在一家餐馆和解雇了他的枪。 The Malabon prosecutor’s office charged him with estafa and illegal discharge of firearm . His record was no longer immaculate even at that time. In 2007, when he was chief of the Navotas City BJMP, he was charged with attempted murder by the Navotas prosecutor’s office. Bantag believes in the narco state plot that Duterte advanced, however incredible. It was only natural for him to be handpicked as obedient laborer for the kill, kill, kill perversion of Dutertismo. “Kami’y humuhugot ng tapang under President Digong (We mustered up courage under President Digong),” describing his pet presidential administration. So what transpired during his watch as BuCor director general? In July 2020, nine high-profile inmates died one after another allegedly due to the coronavirus. Among the dead was Jaybee Sebastian, a key witness in what is popularly held as the Duterte-orchestrated drug trafficking charges against former senator Leila de Lima. Speculations were raised that they were either eliminated or released secretly. The bodies of the inmates were immediately cremated. The report of the National Bureau of Investigation said that, “ murder, not COVID, killed the inmates .” “All the deceased prisoners were declared dead on arrival, the cause of death either by cardiac or pulmonary arrest. However, a close examination of the medical profile of the deceased high-profile prisoners generally revealed that they exhibited neither chronic symptoms of COVID-19, difficulty in breathing, nor were they observed to be weak or particularly ill,” the NBI report concluded. In the Taberna interview, Bantag also admitted that donors had been giving him money which had accumulated over time. Must Read Percy Lapid used the blind item approach in his September 5 broadcast (beginning 8:56). He called the subject of his exposé “Ang lalakeng (The male) Cinderella.” Blind items are bait. They work according to the “bato-bato sa langit, ang tamaan huwag magalit” syndrome. Instead of keeping quiet, Bantag felt alluded to and took the bait. That was an effective admission that he had the motive to kill Percy Lapid. Charging him with murder is on target. But will it mollify the widespread perception that he is only the ultimate middleman among middlemen, that the murder trail extends to one higher than him who was day-in and day-out in the five-days-a-week Lapid Fire broadcasts labeled as “Digongnyo?” Rodrigo Duterte had the motive to silence Percy Lapid. “Do you want to know who I will recommend to the president to be the chief of the Bureau of Corrections?” Bong Go said in September 2019. “ Basta killer, dapat killer .” Game over. – Rappler.com Antonio J. Montalván II is a social anthropologist who advocates that keeping quiet when things go wrong is the mentality of a slave, not a good citizen. 1 comment





