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Pat McGrath Labs

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See howPat McGrath Labscompares to similar products.Pat McGrath Labs's top competitors includePerfect Diary,Charlotte Tilbury, andHuda Beauty.


Perfect Diary (NYSE: YSG) is a beauty brand that offers color cosmetics. Perfect Diary is a brand under the parent Yatsen Global. The company was founded in 2016 and i…

Pat McGrath Labs vs. Perfect Diary

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Top4 Pat McGrath Labscompetitors


BeautyCounter Logo

BeautyCounter develops and sells skin care, body and hair products, and cosmetics that are safe for consumers. The company's products are carefully formulated with high safety standards excluding harmful ingredients linked to cancer, hormone disruption, reproductive toxicity, skin irritation, cumulative exposure risk and other hazards.

Glossier Logo

Glossier is a direct-to-consumer beauty company that leverages content and community to power a superior shopping experience. Its skincare, makeup, body, and fragrance products are sold in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom directly through its website and New York City showroom.

Winky Lux Logo
Winky Lux

Winky Lux is a cosmetics brand. All of its products are paraben free, cruelty-free, non-toxic and heavily pigmented. The collection consists of lip pills, glosses, eye palettes, complexion powder, blush, rainbow brow palettes and the Flower Balm lip balm.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Logo
Anastasia Beverly Hills

Anastasia Beverly Hills is a cult makeup brand. The company first shot to prominence pioneering eyebrow makeup products.

Schwan Stabilo

Schwan Stabilo is a German maker of pens for writing, coloring and cosmetics as well as markers and highlighters for office use. Its cosmetic products include eyeliners, liquid eyeliners, eyebrow and eyeshadow products, mascara, lipliners, lipsticks, lipgloss, and concealers.

Il MakiageLogo
Il Makiage

Il Makiageis a New York-based, tech-driven prestige beauty brand that is shifting millions of customers to shopping for beauty online.

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