CMC Markets公司标志

CMC Markets





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关于CMC Markets

CMC Markets是外汇、指数、加密货币、大宗商品、股票和国债交易的在线交易平台。该公司成立于1989年,总部设在英国伦敦。


CMC Markets UK plc 133 Houndsditch

伦敦,英格兰,EC3A 7 bx,


+ 44 02071708200

缺失:CMC Markets产品演示和案例研究


接触1000个买家,他们使用CB Insights来识别供应德赢体育vwin官方网站商,演示产品,并做出购买决定。

缺失:CMC Markets产品和差异化




包括CMC Markets1专家收藏,包括Fintech





最新的CMC Markets新闻



CMC Markets (LON: CMCX)已将其服务扩展到亚洲市场,在新加坡试运行CMC Invest。新的在线和移动交易平台将从2023年5月起向CMC Markets在新加坡的现有CFD客户开放,而新客户将从2023年第三季度开始注册。CMC investment周二宣布,试运行标志着新加坡成为CMC Invest在亚太地区的第二个国家。该投资平台最初于去年10月在英国推出,目前也可在澳大利亚使用。今年早些时候,CMC从新加坡金融管理局(Monetary Authority of Singapore)获得了资本市场服务牌照,该公司扩大在新加坡服务的雄心显露出来。该许可证已由CMC Markets Singapore Invest Pte. Ltd. (CMC Invest Singapore)获得,该公司是CMC Markets的姐妹实体,在该国提供价差合约产品。在新加坡,CMC Invest将提供股票、交易所交易基金(etf)、期权和期货。该平台强调了透明度,没有任何隐藏的费用或收费。CMC还计划最终通过新平台提供财富管理服务。“从政治到通货膨胀,投资者目前正在经历市场的动荡时期。 More than ever, they need a trusted partner that boasts a strong heritage in providing a reliable, transparent platform to help them navigate uncertain times," said the Head of CMC Invest Singapore, Christopher Forbes , who joined the company last month. "We are ultimately responsible stewards of our clients' assets, and our fiduciary responsibility is to provide them with an easily-navigable and robust platform, with the right tools and guidance. Investors can also enjoy a repository of research notes and investment insights, which will empower them to make more informed investment decisions." From our Directory A Major Financial Services Platform London-listed CMC ended the first half of fiscal 2023 with a net operating income 21 percent higher at £153.5 million. Though the net operating income jumped 27 percent to £128.4 million, net revenue from the investing stream declined by 14 percent to £20.8 million. The group now expects to close the fiscal with a net operating income between £280 million and £290 million. The group's expansion plans are also visible in other business areas. CMC Markets Connects, the institutional clients-focused division, recently established an office in Dubai as it eyes to expand in the Middle East. CMC Markets (LON: CMCX) has expanded its service in the Asian markets with the soft launch of CMC Invest in Singapore. The new online and mobile trading platform will be available to the existing CFD clients of CMC Markets in Singapore from May 2023, while it will start onboarding new clients from Q3 2023 onwards. CMC Soft Launches CMC Invest Announced on Tuesday, the soft launch marks Singapore as the second country in the Asia Pacific for CMC Invest. The investment platform was initially launched last October in the United Kingdom and is also available in Australia. CMC's ambitions to expand its services in Singapore surfaced earlier this year as it secured a capital markets services license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The license has been obtained by CMC Markets Singapore Invest Pte. Ltd. (CMC Invest Singapore), a sister entity of CMC Markets that offers CFDs products in the country. In Singapore, CMC Invest will offer equities, exchange-traded funds, options, and futures. The platform highlighted transparency without any hidden fees or charges. CMC also plans to provide wealth management services with the new platform eventually. Keep Reading "From politics to inflation, investors are currently experiencing a volatile period in the market. More than ever, they need a trusted partner that boasts a strong heritage in providing a reliable, transparent platform to help them navigate uncertain times," said the Head of CMC Invest Singapore, Christopher Forbes , who joined the company last month. "We are ultimately responsible stewards of our clients' assets, and our fiduciary responsibility is to provide them with an easily-navigable and robust platform, with the right tools and guidance. Investors can also enjoy a repository of research notes and investment insights, which will empower them to make more informed investment decisions." From our Directory

CMC Markets常见问题

  • CMC Markets是什么时候成立的?

    CMC Markets成立于1989年。

  • CMC Markets的总部在哪里?

    CMC Markets总部位于伦敦CMC Markets UK plc。

  • CMC Markets的最新一轮融资是什么?

    CMC Markets的最新一轮融资是IPO。


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