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Autotrans集团提供公共交通乘客在道路运输通过其广泛的网络在国内和国际运输超过500行。Autotrans小组由公司Autotrans Autoprometno poduzeće Požega, Autotrans Lika, Autopromet Slunj和Velebit turist Gospić。


Šetalište 20 travnja 18



51 + 385 (0)660 660









乔纳森曼宁Arriva获得克罗地亚公交公司Arriva种植欧洲基地东北运输巨头已扩大其欧洲业务的控股权收购后克罗地亚一流的私人公交公司。这笔交易已经Sunderland-based Arriva收购Autotrans集团78.34%的股权,这是克罗地亚最大的巴士运营商之一。Arriva集团首席执行长曼弗雷德Rudhart说:我们一直在寻找机会,我们相信我们的经验和技能可以让一个真正的区别在欧洲客运服务。克罗地亚,和更广泛的欧洲中部和东部,是一个重要的增长机会为我们扩大业务和Autotrans组代表一个好的战略适合我们。现在我们将专注于做我们所做的最好的,这是为我们的客户提高在该地区。最新的投资是由Arriva在欧洲,在公司考虑其欧洲业务增长。2016年公司的收入超过€50亿€359投资于其欧洲业务。Arriva自2013年以来一直在克罗地亚和该公司表示,其处理Autrotrans表示“致力于改善公共交通服务国家”。董事总经理。德拉赞Divjak Arriva的克罗地亚,说:Autotrans是一名巴士运营商克罗地亚有近70年的经验。他们已经成功地建立了以可靠性和强大的客户服务精神,我们迫切希望建立在他们的成功。 We have a strong track record for delivering real benefits to passengers and tendering authorities, and this acquisition allows us to expand our operations to create a robust network across the country and deliver improved, better connected door to destination services for our passengers. Arriva chief executive Manfred Rudhart 8:52 KEY EVENT Miller Homes to create 584 homes in the North East Miller Homes is set to build 584 homes across the North East after appointing a new regional managing director to head up the developments. Patrick Arkle will now lead the company’s North East operations, as it embarks on plans to build homes on three new sites. The new homes will be built over the next six years at developments at Handston Road in Hadston, Victoria Road in West Hebburn, and Acklam. The new projects will lead to the creation of 140 jobs and safeguard a further 80. At the same time that Mr Arkle was promoted to regional managing director, the firm also promoted associate directors Mark Bayliss and Andrew Finnigan to technical and commercial directors respectively. Mr Arkle said: As our portfolio of developments continues to increase we are looking to upskill and develop our team over the coming months, which is already made up of some extremely talented individuals including Mark and Andrew. We also have a number of new appointments on the horizon. As part of our dedication to building quality new homes whilst creating sustainable communities in desirable locations across the North East of England, we have set out ambitious plans to complete nearly 400 homes in 2017 and to increase this figure to 600 new homes per year by 2019. Miller Homes has unveiled plans for 584 new North East homes as it promotes Patrick Arkle to regional managing 8:47 Jonathon Manning Advertising giant WPP cuts revenue forecasts amid pressure on client spending WPP has cut its full-year revenue forecasts after slowing demand from consumer goods firms in the second quarter dented its interim performance. The advertising giant posted a 1.9% rise in revenue to £7.4bn in the first six months of the year, but like-for-like net sales fell 0.5%. The company, headed up by Sir Martin Sorrell, said it saw pressure on client spending in the second quarter, particularly in the fast-moving consumer goods sector. As a result, WPP forecasts that full-year like-for-like revenue and net sales will come in between zero and 1% growth. It had previously pencilled in 2% growth. Current trading is also challenging, WPP added, with all regions - except the United Kingdom, Latin America and Central & Eastern Europe - showing lower revenue in July compared with the same month in 2016. The company said “all sectors were down”, with advertising and media investment management and data investment management the most affected. WPP said: Competition is fierce and as image in trade magazines, in particular, is crucial to many, account wins at any cost are paramount. There have been several examples recently of major groups being prepared to offer clients up-front discounts as an inducement to renew contracts. Sir Martin Sorrell, CEO of WPP (Image: Philip Coburn) 8:42


  • Autotrans集团的总部在哪里?

    Autotrans集团的总部位于Šetalište 20日不尽。

  • Autotrans集团的最新一轮融资是什么?


  • Autotrans集团的投资者是谁?

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